Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)

MIDDLETOWN TIMES HERALD, MIDDLETOWN, N. F. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1937. nior Officers lected During Baptist Meeting Than 200 Members attend Annual Corporate Session for the first time corps unior church officers and of ushers, more than two hunnembers of First Baptist church ded evening the annual rate meeting of the congre: 430 which o'clock. began with a dinner her officials elected included Clement, M.

E. Conkling W. as trustees and Herling, Byron Bunting, urd F. Durland, A. E.

Kimble, Henry Olsen as deacons, Deafes chosen Mrs. H. F. and, Mrs. "Mott Dobell, Mrs.

on F. Carpenter, Mrs. and Mrs. Carrie Hardgh. Miss Cornelia, L.

Willis re-elected church clerk. Mrs. Fuller was reappointed as assistant. new board of ushers will inJohn Bowker, George Gould, ird White, Ira Coddungton, Lyon, Lloyd Furman, Fred Henry Olsen, Edwin Martin, smith, Walter Sergent and ar Olsen. This group will briefly following the church on Sunday for election of rs and arrangement of sched- stion of junior church ofinnovation in Middletown, h's emphasis with" on an the informed Baptist active youth constituency, the Albert W.

Sheckells, the xplained. He said that while young people would not have on the various boards to they have been elected, they be encouraged to attend all ngs and to participate in disins and plan-making. or officers elected last eveinclude Gordon Clement and ur Welsh, junior trustees, RoClement and Milton Mosher deacons, Lottie Bennett and a Simpson junior deaconesses Fred Crist, John Simpson, Mosher, Wright Drew and It Clement, junior ushers. Sheckells appointed a misry education committee, the junior members are Betty Sergent, Jean Vernooy Preston Durland. Other memof this committee are Mrs.

Everson, Mrs. J. F. Carpenter James E. Lyon.

This comwill meet after the session Baptist Sunday evening Colthis week, and will elect man and lay plans for Its ioning. ports were heard from Thomas Vernooy, financial secretary, emphasized the advisability of unified budget plan. It was ted that all current accounts church are paid in full as 11S date. Presented by Ira 'oddington, church treasurer, church budget for 1938 was Clerk of the Board of ees. Milton E.

Conkling, red hte recent vote of the board nsider the advisability of enz the pastor in the denominal pension fund A special ng of the church was called Vednesday evening. December h. to vote on the matter. man of the board, ent complumented the church Everson was general chairof the program, Mrs. Leo was in charge of the dinner trations.

Mrs. F. Clement vased the dining room and Olsen was chairman of the Dating committee. Club Notes rical Club Meets Mrs. Schwartz S.

J. C. Schwartz was hostess de Historical Club Monday at home, ninety-four East Main Mrs. Albert Green gave ng Mrs. Grace Winslow told odern life in Majorca.

The next will be with Mrs. Schwartz an Sunshine to Help at Thanksgiving Kenneth Bowker, sixty-one ty street. entertained memof the Furman Branch of the lune Society at her home yesy afternoon. The branch will de seven baskets of fruit for ins. and give $7 to a needy for Thanksgiving.

After meeting refreshments were by the hostess assisted by Andrew Eiston. A Christmas planned for the next ng. December fifteen, at Mrs. Merritt's home on Rockwell 1e. Matrons and Patrons at OES Meeting Past Matrons and Past PaClub of Queen Esther ChapOrder of Eastern Star, will uests at the Chapter meeting Masonic Temple Friday eve- Party for Xma- Aid urt Rosemary.

Catholic Daughwill conduct a party for its Christmas Charity November twenty-ninth in Joseph's auditorium. Mrs. arct B. Rodgers is in charge of gements. ats PTA Party Washington Heights ParReachers Association will hold -d party at the school tomor86 p.m.

The next zing of the unit will be November twenty-third. Auxiliary Party Auxiliary of the Enginheld a party Festerdar noon at sixtr-three North Prizes were awarded to John A. Lovely. Mrs. Thomas 105 Mrs.

Louts Krumm, Mrs. Robb. Mrx Elizabeth Rulse. Henry McNamee. Mrx Daniel Ard and Mrs John Clark.

son of officers will be held at brx1 mrelinz. December first A01 Party Winners Council Junior Order of ed American Mechanics. held ard party 1a91 nicht at the Rome Prize TinDer Walton Bennett. Otto MtMrR Rose Roda. Mrk JoDat hv.

Mre A HAnsen Joseph Darby conablation went to Wood The wil will hold Another card (m fire Men To Aliens burch Morting 1) 1 1: Back from Jungle Osa Johnson. widow of the famous explorer, Martin Johnson, 15 shown in New York after her return from the jungles of Africa, where she had been making a motion picture of animal life. Three-Day Bazaar Successful Affair About 250 persons were served at the turkey dinner held last night. at Grace Church Parish House as the last event of its three-day bazaar. Serving began at 5:30.

The committee having charge of the dinner comprised Mrs. Abram Macardell, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. L. G.

Ellenberger, Mrs. Robert Cranston, Mrs. Julia Henderson, Mrs. Herbert Marsden, Mrs. Grace Leemon, Mrs.

Benjamin Perrine, Mrs. Edward VanDuzer, Mrs. Nell Townsend, Miss Esther Macardell and Mrs. William Adeiman. Awards were made to Mrs.

John Chambers, L. Powers, Harmon Mentley, Mrs. William Adelman, Dr. A B. Cordner, Sara Perry, T.

Hickey, Esther Huitslander, Mrs. Grace Winslow, Miss Betsey Yocum, Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. Douglas Northrup and Miss Mildred Ellsworth. Trooper Brown Gets License to Marry Joseph D.

Brown of Montgomery, NOW stationed at Hawthorne barracks, and Miss Anna Frances Majewski, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Majewski of Chester, have obtained a marriage license from Town Clerk Harry Pitkin. Trooper Brown is a son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Brown of New The will be married Noember twenty-fourth in Goshen by the Rev. William A. Fogarty. After the ceremony a dinner and tion will be held at Terrace recep- Inn here. last night at the home of A.

E. Zoghby, seventy-one East avenue, to select candidates and delegates to attend the meeting in Newburgh tomorrow night. All Hudson Valley tribes represented. Harmony Meeting The Harmony Club will meet tomorrow 2:30 p. m.

at the home of Mrs. Charles Brinkerhoff, 100 Beacon street. Guild Food Sale The Women's Guild of First Congregational Church will conduct a food sale at Demerest's Store Saturday at ten a. m. Junior Pre-School Child Group Meets A special meeting of the Junior Pre-School Chid Group will be held in the office of Miss Genevieve Judy in the Chamber of Commerce Building tomorrow evening at 7:45.

Gamma Sigma Sorority Silence Day Today was the annual silence day for members of Gamma Sigma Sorority. Sorority members met last night with Margaret Griffin, six Prospect avenue. Alice Wick was appointed to arrange for 8 Thanksgiving basket. Ruth Billings. 8 pledgee, attended the meeting.

The next meeting will be with Barbara Hanford, nineteen Woodlawn arenue. Omega Sigma Met With Betty Randall Betty Randall entertained members of Omega Sigma Chi Sorority at her home. five Earl street, last night. Jean Gardner and Georginne Fleming were named as a committee to arrange for 8 Beat-Port dance. The Christmas card sale report was given and it was decided to sell pins.

The next meeting will be with Edna Wickham, fifteen Jackson avenue. Smart 50. Christmas Greeting CARDS With Your 00 Name for only Don't judge these cards by their modest price. Bascher's OPEN EVENINGS 2 F. Main SL Middletown On the Square 14 Scout Leaders Hear Speaker Scouting Meets Needs of Adolescent Girl Soys Mrs.

Osborn Mrs. M. Miner Osborn, member of Hendrik Hudson Regional Committee, discused the needs of the adolescent girl and bow Girl Scouting could meet the needs last night before approximately seventy-five Girl Scout and Brownie leaders, and Council and Troop committee members in the auditorium at Liberty Street School. Mrs. Osborn mentioned three elements are necessary in meeting the psychological needs of the adolescent girl.

They were individual development of mind, satisfaction of desire for adventure and new experiences, and provision for recognition. Girl Scouting offers all three, she added. Leaders recognize the importance of these needs and should investigate the younger girl They should find out the state of her health. as that has great deal to do with her mental needs; inquire into her home background. ber social adjustment, and her school record.

After Mrs. Osborn's talk the leaders divided into four groups far discussions, which they later reported on. The groups were Brownies, under the direction of Mrs. Harrison Seward of Slate Hill; group interested in scouts from ten to twelve years of age Miss Gertrude Gabagan of Grosben: group interested in girls twelve to thirteen years under Miss Viva Merritt, and older girls under Miss Ruth Bren wasser. Cavalry Officer Of AEF Dies At 42 Dr.

Murrian, Graduating in War Year, Expires in Port PORT -Dr. Leo V. Murrian, veterinarian and World War veteran, died at his home, thirteen Crawford street, yesterday afternoon after brief illness. He was born here September ninth, 1895, son of Ellen Curley and Patrick Murrian. Dr.

Murrian graduated from Port Jervis High School in 1914 and from the College of Veterinary Surgery at Cornell in 1917. In September, 1917, he was commissioned first lieutenant in the Fifteenth Calvary and was overseas with the AFF. On November eighteenth, 1919, he resigned from the Army and re-entered his practice here. He was a member of St. Mary's Church, Holy Name Society, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Port Jervis Lodge of Elks.

He leaves five brothers, Thomas of Montclair, N. William, John, Joseph and Patrick of Port Jervis; two sisters, Miss Catherine Murrian of Pompton Lakes, N. and Miss Mary Murrian of Port Jervis. Funeral services will be held at his home at 9:30 Saturday and at St. Mary's Church at ten o'clock.

Interment will be in St. Mary's cemetery. Joseph Bradshaw PORT JERVIS Joseph Bradshaw, forty-two, fourteen Rumsey street, died at his home last night. He was born October sixteenth, 1895, a son of Mr. and Mrs.

George Bradshaw, in Lehman Township. Pike County, Pa. Coming to Port Jervis in 1916 he was employed by the Erie Railrcad from that time until 1927. when he retired because of ill health. He was a member of Wallkill Council, Junior Order United American Mechanics, of Hamburg, N.

Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. In 1915 Mr. Bradshaw married Miss Leila Riggs Danbury, Conn. living relatives are a son, Kennth: a daughter. Gertrude, of Port Jervis: two sisters, Mrs.

Ruth Gould of Newton. Alice Sude of Stroudsburg. four brothers, Arthur of Newton. John of Hamburg. Andrew of Stroudsburg, and Clark of Bushnell.

Neb. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at two o'clock at his home and burial will be in Laurel Grove Cemetery. William Gray William Gray died yesterday at (Continued on Page Vote League Official Asks County Instead of District Organization Middletown Unit Selects House Romance Constitution Convention Questions for Study League remained on the basis of Assembly Districts. She considered the time ripe for county unit in order to strengthen the League and to spread its influence. Questions for study by Middletown League members included: Extension of jury duty for women with no automatic exemptions; election procedures; and tax limitations.

Miss Schermerhorn pointed out that no definite stand would be taken on these issues; League members would merely inform themselves of the principles and features of each. Luncheon was served before the business meeting. Mrs. John WIson presided over the business meeting, which chairmen reported on the activities of the variouus committees. Mrs.

W. H. Larkin reported on the round-table discussion of child welfare st the state convention in September. Edward P. Mulrooney, state commissioner of correction.

was principal speaker on that occasion. Mrs. J. S. Ballman remarked on the foreign policy roundtable discussion, and Mrs, J.

M. Hurley on the education meeting at the convention. Mrs. S. S.

Sharples reported on the government and its operation department while Mrs. Leo Schoebl discussed the legal status of women. J. W. Chorley spoke on government and economic welfare.

plan for county organization was outlined yesterday by Miss Gertrude Schermerborn, State executive secretary of the League of Women Voters, during the meeting of Middletown unit at the bore Mira, Henry Bull. At the same time, members of the League selected for study three questions expected to go before the constitutional convention in April. The League also went on record as recommending that the new constitution be submitted to voters by separate items, rather than as whole. Miss Schermerborn, who visited this part of the county for the first time, was accompanied by Miss Natalie Barnes, regional director. In praising the Middletown unit far its work, Miss Schermerborn pointed out that this week marked its fifth anniversary.

She said also that a gold Middletown star had been put on the record at the state ofIce because the unit had published 8 well -rounded program. The plan for the county organiration, as outlined by Miss Schermerbaro, included county board on which would be represented presidents from each local unit. Orange, she said, Was the only; county in the state in which the Nursery Donation Day Disappointment The annual Donation Day of the Day Nursery yesterday proved somewhat of a disappointment to members of the supply committee. Grocerles, money, coal, and other articles were received, but gifts did not attain the volume of other years. The long table in the dining room at the nursery was partly filled with canned foods, dried fruits, vegetables and other commodities Last year donation day gifts began to arrive early in the morning.

and by evening the table was SO heavily laden that it took Mrs. Anna Brown, matron at the nursery, and her assistant, Mrs. John Newsome, an afternoon to pack them away. The supply committee comprised Mrs. W.

R. Batcheller, chairman; Mrs. Charles W. Havener, Mrs. Archibald Taylor, and Mrs.

Charles Swayze. MAS PLAY TONIGHT The Dramatic Club of the Middietown High School will present The Goose Hangs High, 1924 Broadway comedy success, in the auditorium of the Junior Memorial High School tonight and tomorrow night. Turn Your OLD GOLD into CASH at "Old Gold Headquarters" S. J. C.

HULSE 32 North St. Middletown Authentic Lightolier Lamps DECORATORS Lamps That Match" 300 Models from Which to Choose! McCARTER'S 102-104 North St. Dial 6913 (Pupils At Liberty Street Present Play one-act Fint Thank mil be presented tomorrow at 2:45 p. m. by pupils of the Fire-one and trades of Liberty street school.

The program, to the auditorium of the school. wit include duet. riolin and piano, by Betty Mae Orrening. and Warde Anderson: Lap dancing by Virginia and Marietta Pelch: and trumpet duet by Frank and Fred Werper In the cast are Nord Daris, AudDolan, David Robert Clone. Stanley Van Houston, Donald Petersoo.

Lloyd John. MarLee. Joyce Decker. Jayce OlerInc. Richard Bull, Lee Lord, Donald Swart, Stanley Markorita, Ralph Shoemaker, Ann Hathaway.

Shirley Bates, Mary Taylor. Richard BranDAD, Samuel Mitchell, Howell Fish, Edward Witt. Going and Coming Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eronimous, 265 Cottage street, will leave FOR to vist: their son and daughterin-law.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. Erontrous. in Lacka wanna.

Joan Raiston, daughter of John Ralston, thirty-eight John street. 1s receiving treatment to a York hospital Mrs. Albert P. Maasberg and daughter. Irene, of New York, formerly of thirty-seren Columbia arenue.

leave tomorrow for Midland, to make their home with Mrs. Maasberg's son, Albert T. Maasberg, who is employed there. Mrs. Frank Walker has moved from 103 Wickham avenue to Brentwood, L.

Mrs. Eugene Collier of Quantico. Va. Is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Durland, twenty-three Wickham avenue. Joanne Durland. who has been seriously 111, is improving. Mrs. George Fischer, twenty- five Mulberry street, and daughter.

Mrs. Daurrell Betts, nineteen Grant street, will visit in New York tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Smith are moving this week from Silver Lake to twenty-seven Lake avenue. where their son and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, have moved. Miss Martha Morrison, twenty-one Wickham avenue, is spending few weeks with her sister, Mrs.

John Bergen in Slate Hill. Mrs. Bergen, who has been ill, is improving. Mrs. Alexander Craig has returned to her home, eighty-one California avenue, after having spent three months in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs Abraham Smolowitz of avenue are on business trip through northern New York To See LONGERSee SHORTER F. S. SHORTER Optometrist Exclusively 38 West Main St. Aprons Protect Pretty Frocks PATTERN By ANNE ADAMS If you've a home to tend, and A cake bake, you'll welcome both these "household helpers" into your routine of daily chores for In addition to being a cheery aight, they're findlapensible when it comes to protecting your pretty frocks! And here's special tip from Anne Adams this practical twosome would make An ideal gift, for Pattern 4223 lx so very easy to stitch up that you'll have neveral versions finished in no time.

Apron 15 feminine as you wish with: dainty Mttle ruffles. Make it of chambray. is trimly tallored, and grand in gingham. 4223 in available in siZeR small, medium and large, Small size takes 24 yards 36 Inch fabric for each apron; apron yards rutfung. lustrated step-by-step sewing Instructions Included.

Bend FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anne Adams pattern Write plainly SIZE NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Look smart this Winter! Send for the latest ANNE ADAMS PAT. TERN BOOK, and plan a dashing wardrobe from its simple-to-sow patterns. Matrons--look alin: in flattering styles! -stitch uy some of the chic party frocks, afternoon charmers, cheery "at home" models, and jaunty sportsters! Kiddies Juniors will be delighted with perky school frocks, 1co! Fabric aud accreROPY tips included PRICE OF BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS PRICE OF PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER TW. NTY-FIVE CENTS.

Send your order to The Middletown Times Herald Pattern Department. 243 W. 17th New York, NeW York. a Eleanor Mae Murphy, daughter of Gov, Francis P. Murphy of New Hampshire.

will marry Donald Erion, of Buffalo. N. Y. Announce- ment of the engagement was made at 8 supper dance in the Murphy home at Nashua Book Week Program At Memorial High Pupils of Memorial Junior High School are observing National Book Week. The culminating event will be an auditorium program tomorrow for the entire student body.

Miss Marjorie Newton, librarian. assisted by Edward Rice, have charge of the exercises which will include the following: Bible selection by Frank Hogan, response by the school, poem, The Library, Muriel Barnum: play, Four Keys to the Library. The cast includes Bernice Zwick as Mrs. Sage, Anita Herling as Hopeful Pupil; Jean Van Fleet, mother dictionary; Stanton Sayer, admiral encyclopedia; Jean Sannwald. mistress I card catalogue; Roy Miller, D.

C. Shelves. The rest of the program consists of the Flag salute and Star-Spangled Banner by the School. Betty Powelson will be the announcer. Parents of pupils and patrons of the school have been invited to attend.

Ellenville ELLENVILLE Approximately 300 persons attended the annual card party at St. Mary's Church last night. Miss Marion Rose is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Booth of New Haven, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sherman and daughter, Violetta, returned home Tuesday after spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kessel Brown, Albany.

Miss Katherine Doolittle returned to her home on Market street yesterday after a week's stay with relatives Troy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Westlake Coons have returned short visit with relatives in Suf- HEIGHTS HONOR ROLL Nineteen pupils are listed an the honor rolls for the first quarter at Washington Heights school.

They are Evelyn McGar and Jane Price, first grade; Virginis Godfrey, Lillian Godfrey, Mary Porter, Marion Wallace. Lordse Milligan, Richard and John second grade; Doris Reynolds, and Rita Winner, third grade; Gloria Nash. fourth grade; Rosemary Davis and Raymond Hulseapple, fifth grade; Jean Harman, Ernest Howald, Prances Strohsahl, Laura Babco*ck, and Doris Heater, sixth grade. DAUGHTER FOR LOWERRES A daughter, Barbara Ann, WAS born today to Mr. and Mrs Walter Lowerre at their home in Fair Thanksgiving Special AU of our better new Velours, Felts, Velvets Specially priced for the holiday.

our Economy where you will find smart hats fram Si to $2.98 Youthful Matrons' Hats In small or extra large head sizes. New York Millinery Shop Fannie Metzner James SL Middletown fern. Van Raalte Sponsors a Grand Christmas Promotion of their famous $1.00 Sheer Silk HOSIERY at pair 2 prs. $1.49 wises 81, 10'; EVERY PAIR NEW COLONS RI Every woman sable hoenty and jurl think Jo can on a gift br bow' t-au. that 4 ,1 ONLY 300 PAIRS! Carson Towner Co.

7.9.11 West Main St. Middletown Weddings to VAN TASSELL-HUNT Miss Helen A. Hunt. daughter of Mrs. Samuel Gues, Myrtle avenue, and the late Robert O.

Hunt, and William P. Van Tassel. thirteen Lake avenue, were married lAst evening at the Methodist Parsonage by the Rev. R. T.

Edwards 'The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs Walter P. Blampled. Miss Hunt had been employed at the Orange County Trust Company Mr. Van Tassell is a member of the Middletown Fire Department, After short wedding trip they will be at home at 119 North street.

SMITH'S NOVEMBER SALE Scores Again and You'll cheer TRAMPERS for their Grand FEEL AI the gave and alter, you'll be satiatied with the good looks and of Trasspers. Groceful and liesible you're never conscious of them os opt that you know your tset lot smart. Styles for all dart' as 0. casigas. Weed them -TEXt.

tha Sans to Choose four 113 ko, rel d'all I. -athris Al at lage of 0 cod Sate DOLLARS as sat 1' Now $6.45 and $5.95 et $4.95 Smith's Shoe Shop wt!.

Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.