Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)

MIDDLETOWN TIMES HERALD. MIDD1.LTOWN. N. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER If, MINI The Political Whirligig JAMES McMUUIN I--ULLED: Alf London's role in sting the Hoover-Hamilton plan L- a mid-term Republican conven- to formulate policies has of-en Idely overestimated. Republicans I Congress swuue more weight lalnst the proposal than he.

Most 1 portant of all, though entirely I Hind the scenes, iras the firm op- Isltion of wealthy and influential -w Yorkers. Itn the last analysis, the money Lys hold the key to current He- oilcan activities. The party has hope of getting anywhere wtth- their financial support, all are well aware. So when ey let it be known. that they uld not be disposed to donate if party induced in mid-term ladness, they killed the project der than a dinosaur.

liese potent bstckstagers, as we Lve previously reported, have felt along it woutt be idiotic for the I OP to advertise its own internal 1 There would Inevl- Ibly be fierce arguments over con- Ijversia! policies in the open for- la of a convention. Their idea is at the party should sit tight. My I and attract disgruntled en bread anti-Roose- lt basis. The much-heralded 'ogram committee" is purely a ce-saving device I nount to shucs. that wont (REASONABLE: Now that Presi- Int Roosevelt has begun to make lore concessions along the lines Imanded by business chiefs.

New prk councils are divided on how Is gestures should be received, lime anti-New Dealers feel they I least hate him on the defensive ltd favor pressing the attack--both Irbal and economic--harder than ler. Other sources figure it would wiser to try to meet him half liy in a spirit of reasonable coin- I omise. (Leaders of the latter school of ought express the private opin- In that the President is moving far in their direction as he can thout laying hlcself open to the targe of surrendering to the "eco- They see no sense sabotaging his efforts to restore Icovery out of personal spite. should we expect him to out on a benefit? limb for' Wall He knows the I nb would be sawed off at the first Importunity. If ive're smart, well what we can get from id be ACTION: This column reported veral weeks ago that the Federal sserye Board had submitted two ecific recommendations to the resident.

It advised him that ae- on to encourage utility spending id to stimulate building constmc- dent that usually shrewd European sources are wide of the mark fo once. Both President Roosevcl and the Treasury Department have indicated a strong aversion to cur rency tinkering. There no reason to expect them to change their minds unless other measures to check the recession fail The European miscalculation is easily understood- History shows that a legislative body in a period of business depression invariably clamors for inflationary remedies. Congress is meeting under Just such circ*mstances. Where the overseas brethren go wrong is to not realizing that to monetary matters the President Is Congress cannot make him use the added inflationary powers it gave him unless he chooses.

CAPITAL: Up-to-date figures on new security issues emphaste the stagnation of the capital market. gregattog bfllion dollars were floated for the first ten months of 1936. For the same period this year, the total is only --a drop of about 45 percent Funds for investing are piling up. A flood of new capital is available if, and when conditions become sufflcently encouraging. McClure ETEtlc3tr) New tnd refunding ag billion dollars wen Wall Street Gossip covery Jned.

was urgently necessary If the trend rras to be main- That is the inside explanation of Roosevelt's crrrent concentra- an on precisely those two prob- tns. whict was dramatically dis- osed only last week. He moved iddenly--but the battle-plan had before him for some- time. INDEPENDENT: Certain New ork Democratic circles are quite jset about the American Labor itty's role in the recent New York ity election. Conceding that LaGuardia's re- ection foregone conclusion less sources feel that the Labor srty made the Democratic defeat uch worse than it needed to have The point is made that, aft- all.

the Democrats gave the La- )r Party its stert last year. Its mging up with the enemy this sr is rated ungrateful. Labor Party leaders don't figure iat way. They never intended to some a mere tail to the Demo- comet. They were delighted have an opportunity to iir independence so soon after' party was organized.

Bv doing they have placed themselves in best possible position to trade ith both older parties. WRONG: Persistent reports of irther dollar devaluation trace to urope. They are undoubtedly a ictor in withdrawals of European ish from this country. They aUo for the apparent paradox iat the cash outflow is not ac- jmpanied by fresh European llq- of American securities. The aint is that, in the event of addi- onal deviation, dollar balances ould suffer a Joss but stock prices ould rise.

Informed Hew Yorkers tre eonti- NEW YORK Wall Street was disappointed but not pessimistic over President Roosevelt's message to Congress. It was disappointed because he asked for the measures for which he originally called the special session, namely wages-hours bill, crop surplus control, executive reorganization, and regional planning. The financial community had anticapp.ted these might be sidetracked temporarily and aids for business substituted. There were favorable items, according to the trading element, including indication the President might favor modification of some nf the taxes which business says are retarding recovery, and 'the promise of another message which would set forth methods of encouraging large-scale housing with private capital. The financial community now is awaiting action of the Congress and hopes for aid in that quarter.

Answers To Questions Barometer: Just when Wall Street thought it had an infallible barometer of business in the steel industry's fluctuations, along comes Standard Statistics company and says flatly. "Steel production has no value as a barometer." Elaborating, Standard points out that unusual swings in Jhe rate of steel industry haire never failed to be accompanied by changes in the trend of general industrial other words. Standard is saying that the steel industry is a. thermometer and not a barometer of industry. If it's a thermometer it's approaching the freezing point in the Fahrenheit scale.

The present rate of 36.4 percent is the lowest to more than two years and a decline of 54.73 percent in nine weeks. Advice: The International Statistical Bureau in its latest digest has the following to say on steel: "Steel production is still declining, although consumption is continuing' above the current rate of output. The trade looks for continuation of hand-to-mouth buying and further inventory reduction. Prices for finished goods are being wen maintained but the structure is' undoubtedly vulnerable. Fjimingg on the common stock of leading steel companies will probably be nil in the last quarter.

A cautious policy is advised for the time being." MILK RETAILERS HERE AGAINST PRICE RISES Fetr Womll Rendt in Lou Cut omm STOCK ISSUES FLUCTUATE IN DULLTCAD1NG Skara lower At Eri Session; Bonds Lower wkn Exception of Gerenunects NEW YORK Stocks fluctuated over a broad area today and ended slightly lower, but above the clay's bottom prices. Trading was dull. Bonds were lower, extent TJ. S. government issues.

Wheat rose to cent a bushel and other grains were firm. Cotton eased a few points. Stocks opened lower and then eased further, in the late morning an upturn carried many back to net gains. Another decline act in. which was followed by short covering that brought back some leading issues.

Much of the business sews was unfavorable, A substantial decline was indicated in car Several railroads reported sharp drops in income. There was some tax selling in individual issues and brokers re- i ported considerable switching to established tax losses. These operations are expected to increase and continue a market factor for the rest of the year. United States Steel, most active issue traded, moved between and 57 Vi, and near the finish -was slightly above the previous close of Bethlehem ranged between fifty-three "and fifty. Kennecott met support after touching thirty-two off two.

Anaconda rallied after selling at 28 off 134. International Paper preferred 'ell nearly four points from its high on disappointment over the dividend on the preferred. Kimberly Clark eased to a new low at off when directors declared a special dividend of 50 cents a share in addition to the regular 25 cents common stock. Scott's Scrapbook by R. J.

Scott Stock SEN. HARRISON TO LEAD DRIVE FORMOMY (Ccmttnuet from Page One) tax revision bfll for the regular session, Vlnson said Treasury experts estimated a $83.900,000 revenue loss annually from the proposal to permit corporations to carry over operating losses, which he described as "a very decided relief for business." The total of tax reductions in sight thus stood as follows: Operating loss carryover Exemption from undistributed profits tax of corporations earning $5,000 or less $10,000,000 Carryover prevision for capital losses $13,900,000 Totals savings to taxpayers $83500.000 The committe also has discussed advisability of outright repeal of the capital stock and excess profits taxes, which would mean an additional revenue loss of $140,000,000 a year but no decision has been reached. heat of the Wood: oM act Alaska Jutwau Allied Chemical American Can Amer Com Alcohol Amcr For Power Arner Radiator Amcr Smelttaf Amcr Sugar Amer Telephone Amcr Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atehison Auburn Auto A.vtaUan Corp. Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore Ohio ---Beth Steel N. J.

Bordfc Milk Case Caterpillar Tractor Orlaaeae Oerro de Pasco Chetpeakti Ohio Chrysler Columbia Gas Oomzercial Solrenls 17 St. MS MS StH 1WV 71 1. Who is president of Czechoslovakia 2. What was the ancient name for the Bock of Gibraltar? 3. What mineral is ordinarily used; in lead pencils? Bints Such forms 'Dear Friend" as "Dear Miss" or should not be used in social correspondence.

Words of WMoia Youth changes its inclinations Persons Bar whose htrthday occurs today are generaJt? very trust- worthv. Many of them rise high in the business world. One-Mimic Test 1. Dr. Eduard Benes.

2. "Pillars of Hercules." 3. Graphite. STRIKERS QUIT PON1WPLMT End Sit-in After Few Hrars; Factory is Closed PONTIAC, men. One hundred and fifty members of the United Automobile Workers' Union who barricaded themselves in a Fisher Body plant during a sit- down strike, marched quietly out Of the building this mnming The plant, -which builds bodies for the Pontiac remained dosed.

Officials of Oieneral Hoars corporation indicated the Pou- 2ac factory also would be forced a close during the day. This Fisher plant normally employs 5,000 workers; Pontiac 9.000. 3oth plants have been operating on curtailed schedules. Union officials said the sit-down strike, called last night, was spontaneous. Aproximately 1500 workers on the night shift participated.

A General Motors spokesman said the sit-down had occurred in two divisions almost simultaneously. Employes struck first in the cushion shop and a moment later in the metal division. The Fisher plant has been operating on a twenty-eight bom- week. Union statements that em- iloyes had been laid off were con- Jnned by the company, which explained that production remained urtailed. ONETRAKSIENTCOES TQ JAIL, OTHER FREE Of two transients who chose an O.

W. railway caboose to which to rest and dry their rain-soaked clothes, Joseph Martin, thirtv. of Scranlon, a repeater at the offense, received a ten-day sentence to Goshen jail from City Judge Edmund C. Faulkner yesterday, and the other Paul Spranz. thirty-five, of Jersey City, who otherwise had a clear record, received a suspended sentence.

Complaints were made by Joseph A. Kelly of the O. W. police- Edward P. Carey, twenty, of Wallkill township, who was arrested on an intoxication charge after selecting the ground to Thrall Park for a bed.

was sentenced to a fifteen day term to Goshen jail and warned that his next conviction for intoxication would result to his commitment to an institution for the cure of inebriates. Consolidated Oil Corn Products --Dome Mines Douglas Aircraf Du Pont Electric Auto Lite --Erie ------General Electric General Foods -General Motors Giiddea ----Goodyear TlllnoSi Central Interoati Harvester -Industrial Rayon --International Nickel -International Tele Johns-Uanrille Kennecott Copper Liggett 1JH 50H as ass, 10 ss 1H 22'i News Behind the News In the Financial World LOU SCHNEIDER Cotton Stunned by Announcement of Greatest Crop on Record. Suspect Something Is co*ckeyed The cotton trade wat by the Departnent of crop estimate of 1I.1U.OOO bales. the larsest to history. Thf previous record was made to What has the trade punted la how this can ptwslblj be.

It) 1936 whea the record was established abotu 44.tlMQO were planted. year 1 plantings were but m.OOO acres. admitted that more was used and that weather were favorable but an estimate of SSU pounds' to the acre is something that cant be understood. It normally lakes three to produce SOD It tint being said in public but there is a beHel current that there is something co*ckered aomevtore. Anyway, it is acknowledged that this yean cotton output wUl more power to the Administration's drive ior crop curtailment.

EQCTTMEKTS Late this month the Interstate Commerce Commission will start hearings on the demand for a flat fifteen percent freight rate increase. Rail say that orders for new equipment will be sidetracked until the hearings have been completed. A lew admit, however, that the reversal of income outlook is the main reason why carriers aren't placing equipment orders. SHADED Automotive trade insiders nay that Mb 37H tt'i 22 12 22 dlllona Even at current low price levels Packard shares retarded as amply rated due to recent boost in new car prices Aviation trade My that floating supply at Curtis-Wright class n. aharrc being reduefd Je Straiten buy- Ing based on IU speculative potentialities, Athouth Inactive marketwlse Reynolds Mrtals preferred has a speculative following due to its convertible feature Continental Diamond Fibre now firing stiff competition-- dttlHmts Big Steel currently operating in red Cut in bonded Mquor prices National Dlstll- Jers-- said to wll the more popular Spicer Manufacturing alminc to diversify its Philadelphia Gas Works' rate uncertainty not bullish argument for United Gas Improvement Sixty percent of Ootham Hosiery's ire ic the higher priced lints.

Because of market InacUvity Lily- Tullf) Cup being switched Into Cur- Usi-Wriglit Class A OuUldc of RFC Southern Railway has no important near- term bond maturities American Radiator Today's Sports PARADE Henry HcUCMOBJE GETTING THE OK CARD EUREKA, Calif. When a man reaches thirty he is very grateful Mclntyre Porcupine Montgomery Ward National Dairy National Distillers New York Central N. Y. O. W.

North American Owens Tllinats Glass Pennsylvania R. Public Service N. J. Pullman Badio- price cutting is going on to Uie sale of commercial cars. The price schrd- 83 ules are held firm but there Is a way of doing it without reducing the published figures.

It's no secret that nine out of ten truck sales involve a trade-to. The 3754 allowances on the used trucks are usually higher than the book price. Thus new truck sale prices are indirectly shaded. Republic Steel Reynolds Tobacco Schentey Sears Roebuck Socony Vacuum SO Gold to out wrong with him. that are not One month ago I increased my insurance, as a sort of guarantee 1.

Macon, 2. The estimated number is about 3'. Mexico. 4. An imtramajt for denoting speed at which a musical com- sition is to be performed.

5. Scottish novelist 6. Gladys Smith. 7. The Apostle Paul 8.

Perfoanent Court of Interna- anal Justice. '9. Ganges. 10. Yes! Although Increases in the retail price of milk have been general through a large part of the Hudson River Valley during the last few days, including a one-cent advance at Pougbkeepsle yesterday, prices here remained unchanged today.

Moreover, there was growing feeling that milkmen operating here would resist proposals for Increases. One large retailer expressed the opinion that Middletown would not have a rise. Retailers, he reported, were unwilling to risk loss of patrons to nearby dairy farmers who" would be placed hi a more advan- i tageous position by a price boost. I During the last few days the retail price of milk has been advanced one cent a quart at Kingston. Catsldll.

Hudson and Poughkeepsie- There was strong feeling hi the Neshurgh area that a rise would be ordered there too in the near future. 2 CANDIDATES TIED FOR PIKE COUNTY COURT POST Recount in FOOT Districts Gives 1,740 Votes Each MTTiFORD William G. Cookc and Gaylord Carpenter were tied for the associate judgeshlp in Pike County with 1,740 votes each, when a reccruLt hi four districts was taken here yesterday. The original count was 1.744 for Carpenter and LT34 for Cooks. Officials made no statements today but it is believed that a few more districts wiH be recounted to determine the outcome: The districts recounted yesterday were MUford, Lackawaxen and two In Matamoras.

There were also recounts for chief burgess of MUford. Charles A- Stroh won over Dr. WD- i liam L. Roberts by a vote of 264 to 283. The original figures were Stroh BEACON VOTE FAVORS HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT BEACON--School voters went to the palls yesterday to a special election and voted in favor of instituting a $470,000 PWA project for a new High School.

The vote was l.OBJ yes, aiid only 333 opposed. The Board of Education will meet this week to study preliminary plans for the new structure. The PWA win contribute a grant of $210X100 toward the project, and the coct to the city wffl be The grant has already been approved by the PWA authority. The structure is expected to be ready for use in 1839. Lhat my wife would at able to bring a decent dowry to her next husband.

The doctor thumped my heart, whanged me to several delicate sections and finally pronounced me fit. This made me feel very good. I said to myself "McLemore you are a very fit specimen despite your youthful frivolity. You are of pfo- BALKAN ENTENTE FORMS PACT OF PEACE AMD WAR LONDON Chiefs of staff of Turkey, Greece, Jugoslavia and Rumania have reached an agree- K3 and Roberts 262. The auditor to i ment for cooperation of their arm- Distribution Notice to Weiring Depositors and Creditors of the First Merchants National Bonk and Trust Company of Middletown funds available for that purpose the under- have declared a further distribution of The National Bank of Mlddi-- payment win be made at that bank So oerafkale to be maJe on orer lOjOOO accounts.

a syrtanaue procedure. Fleaae foHow theae J) Payments wig made alpbabrtJcally. 7 Bbn 3S nd Kumamra rommnvJng nua- 24. 38 and 77. Novembrr 29 and 30.

all other crrurjcatpt to -bf cndonrd upon coruncat- on the XOSSEU, WIGGIKS Slilford. Nellie Coykendall received 260 votes, one vote higher than George Quick. Their original count was Coykendall 262 and Quick 2SS. A recount to Lackwaxen Township for assessor was also taken. It resulted to 237 for Walter Holbert and 235 for Leo Hoffman.

ANTHRACITE MINERS AND OPERATORS EXTEND PACT HAZLKTON. Pa. Anthracite operators and United Mine Workers officials have agreed to extension of the present union contract to April thirtieth, 1939. the Anthra- dje Board of Conciliation announced today. The committee of 13.

composed of six union representctives and six operators, agreed to the extension at srcret meetings In Near York November twelfth and thir- I tcerrth the board announced The i present contract would hare expired April 30. Th- acrw- i rocnt wai expected to be by the union mezteriip Ur sptcUl snwUas of three dutrteu at HuzirtOT Friday. ies. navies and air forces, the Exchange Telegraph correspondent Istanbul reported today. The four Battens comprise the Balkan entente The Exchange Telegraph dispatch asserted that.

an agreement Just concluded Ankara, the Turkish capital. to at the chiefs of staff Intended to unite, for cooperative pm-poies, their Cehttog forces in order to aid to maintaining peace and, in event Southern Pacific ---Spiegel May Stern --Standard Brands Standard Oil Standard Oil N. J. --Texas Corp TJmken Holler Beartojf Onion Carbide ----Union Pacific --United Air Corp ---United Corp. U.

S. Industrial Alcohol U. S. Rubber neer stock, world to a You came into this covered wagon. Your roots are the roots of tte redwood tree which, according to the alert California Chambers of Commerce, have ffxistfd since Noah overcrowded his houseboat." U.

S. Smelting U. S. Steel Western Union Westtochoose Air Brake Westtoghouse Electric Wool-worth CCBB STOCKS Amer Superpower Assoc Gas Else Cities Service -Creole Petroleum Electric Bond Share Ford Limited Hudson Bay Mining 15H 22K 19 62S 24 37 29H 46 2954 SJH 16 2'i 31 33' 48M. 71 90 21H 62 30 27 100 38 26 11 5ti Today cause I I felt passed even the better, be- which every visitor to California to pass before crossing the border.

At the State line California haz placed gentlemen who stop ev- 1 cry car and subject its to a goinc over more than was ever thought op by the best of Jonns Hopkins or the brothers Mayo. I can say truthfully today that my person is not contaminated with the boll weevil, the Japanese fruit fly. the Egyptian mummy moth, the Greek alfalfa pest, the Chinese ring worm or the Mediterranean chicken of a war to Europe, to act la union as a halimcrng force. RED CROSS ROLL CALL PASSES 209 MARK HERE The teaching corps of two KhooU yesterday joined the 100 percent oiroilment group ng to thr annual Bed Cran roll can, it wax announced today by Mrrta Ortmp. exeeaUre trc- of the chapter.

rrpotled to date 300 toward a of 2400 roii wifl onUnoe uniil Ttx whidi rrfrd teacher ranttotau SUrrl aad PIP- When I drew my ear to a halt at the tbed a wooden device built that the rain and tte wind whipped up the trotner of afl who stopped-- a bright jourtf man to a green uniform itfiirk bead Into my car, imiirrd. and Nary A Part "What havf you got IB all of those bags yirj hare to thb car?" "Wen." I replied. "I hare clru. collars, dnrrrrs, golf balls, clMrs, tuch button aod many other you any with the man to tbr uniform tab! I gave HIT wifr a took and she gave rat bark a titarprr "Ho I have no I crltf The young man did not sue He ordered, in a onljr a armi-lmporunt oTicUJ can mutter, to Ufcr rrrrrtaf of my ear except esrburrtcf. Aa 1 out at r.

my cotf Sag ai a Man He OW VETERANS GUESTS SILVER There's doubt to the air concerning silver mining company securities. The sflver purchase act expires December 31 this year. It is almost certain that Congress Trill pass a new law. But it is uncertain whether the current price of slightly better than 77 cents an ounce will be continued. Because of this cloud silver shares are being avoided.

MONEY" It appears that the term "hot money" needs "Hot money is money which is transferred from country to country on a teat' porary basis and likely to be with' drawn at any time. It Is quite different from funds shipped into any one country for investment purposes. The United States has a "hot money" problem because of European funds sent lo this country for safety against foreign currency About such raoney came to this country dnce January first, following some 18.000,000.000 to previous yesrs. Part that "hot money" Is now being shifted to other countries--Switzerland getting most of it PKOMISING According to machine tool trade insiders the industry still has a substantial field ahead for aggressive 'Uns. This despite the fact that the industry been operating at full capacity over the past two years.

Machine now to use are sixty percent so-called obsolete. And buying from Japan and Russia is expected to be large New business isn't expected in a big way over the next few months but the outlook is promising. Sixty-Tire Retire. Ma Be HraoreJ By At least sixty-xbt at Statistical that despite the downtrend in business over recent weeks many win report Lbrlr largest profiU this year since It admitted, however, that due to the current letdown la industrial activity the first three or four months' outlook for im Sent encouraging. Since shares are purchased on prwpecu and not news these circles one to ess extreme caution in making eotmiuaentt.

it hard to sell to jobbers who are working off large inventory positions And. that an, if arid when Anchor Cap and Rocking Glass merge he combination will make the third orgeat in the domestic glass container manufacturing industry. (Coprrlglit UcClun BOND FIRM'S AID SOUGHT IN SEWAGE ANNEX PLANS fa Guard Against Legal Finos Proposal To guard against any legal flaws to the machinery required to Institute work on the proposed addition to the sewage disposal plant facilities, dty officials will confer with Clay, Dillon and Vandewater, bond specialist attorneys, In New York tomorrow. It was announced today by Mayor Charles C. Chappell.

Decision to proposal with the New York law firm which for has effected the intricate legal work on Mlddletown bond issues, was reached last night at an informal conference between Mayor Chappell, J. Allnu Ballman, corporation counsel, and Percy Benedict, city clerk. Mayor Chappell expressed his de- are to make a comprehensive presentation at the proposal to lite Common Council Friday night, with a request for authorization to hold a special taxpayers election so that bond: can be issued. Legal aspects of several peculiar factors Including conversion of a $40,000 Kinking fund toward coat of the plant, were perplexing, it was resolved all throvtgu Uw aid of the New York firm. 11JTH CAB VICTIM BOFKALO--Mitt JOfflrenee Gross, twenty-eight, became 113th traffic accident victim of the year today.

She died la City Hospital time after she had beea ctruck by an automobile. Whm the accident occurred, Ming Grans, who to have been married within a week, enroutr to attend prc- nupUal ahower in her honor. score Trteran of New York Ontario Western railway wbo have jutt their this year The furniture doing no brtter these than other industries. During the flrvt three i(Ka mootti period new tmtineM ran fiftj percent ahead of but year. The ax- tm gain mtt Utt year to eighteen percent- woo nave qua utrir uus under the Pjulroad ReUwment Act 1 4 lo will be honored or the feur Rail-' And rurnrot fit road taught at a din- ho percent ner at Letfau Lodgr her.

vu announced the Ui' charge i But fitrnuurt guecU of honor wOl all be! from the Southern dtriuoo of Itw "'11 road, arx! the cpoccoriof Uir' occsisloc ttfrtsetA ratpJoyea tht' RETOSTS TUATi Honat iu to tmd W. D. Johown of WMirinttoo. C. aMl of the Order at IU3- Cauiiurtan at America onr of UK principal tgnitrti Dan- iei Btewart of BrolthKiltiieid i iff and Ttutinf the KrotnRTiood ai men wtU laMlmrtfr ttu urUnf art on Uw frnrnU enmnstuv It OS Uw Ordn fUU var Corrfurtort.

I. BU'IJBVW -at RntfbfrtxxfS of tharw taartwi cvn- NEED tl MONEY I Short of money rtthl oowt Borrow our war, wUl make you loan to you 8 bard Umea. and allow si you amatc UIM to IB- pay. Mb 5 er i pkiyer. to.

PtiMM 3 8i EMPIRE ot DENIES GUILT E. tarfmaa-poliliihrr. I rrtauwd to ttXBO tosSay arttr and plfadtng In Fvfcnl i rt Trasib the Co-1 Court to an indlruafat 1 taV.btE i Igar rjoiatiora of tbe Jcdcru car- TM. ts to Tart, CStri? rapt prtUcex act, A rwt I aJbo fntewS JOT ntgaawtt Radag Aoociaiign. inr i wfft hrr dlitelor.

1 with Mr KiKj xuS Mn iUruu hwJ thrtr Or pftrrtxJ or OaJVWti KM a MbtrfUi norsE PINK of unknown Orttto a Alpha aboot wi traw rarfB- WB a rate of U.7SO second. i Bean J. Ran of tte library frea For Wont of a Nail --The Shoe Wos Lost For Wont of Shoe --The Horse Wos Lost For Wont of Horse --The Kingdom Wos Lost For Wont of INSURANCE --Many a HOME or BUSINESS Wos Lost INSURE TODAY UNDON D. BULL 90 NOtTH MIDOLTTOWN,.

Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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