Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)

JODDLKTOWM THUS HERALD, M1DDLETOWN, N. THURSp41 WUBREN Off. This Classified Page Means an Opportunity for Someone Announcements Deaths WALSK-At la this city Avgucc Dartd Walsh. FucenJ wl" irom tbe Funeral Home Nortto street. and at 10 o'clock at a SUss Isaac J.

Hasbrouck rryrgatlocs arranged for. Funerol Home P. J. Reilly CDWAKO KKtlJUS. DUector 33 Ballroad ATB DIAI.

C913 York BusMta Dial Butterfleld 8-3800 Automotive Wanted--Female ft 1935 OKAHAM sedan, all good rubber- Below OPA celling price. Ave. S2SO. Call Tracks for bate DCMP truck--1335 Cnerrolet 1'i-ton. itne condition.

Also ralve refacer for sale. Henry L. Nielsen. Warwick. SEW CHEVROLET hydraulic dump truck for sate at celling price.

Immediate deUrery. James W. Stantoo. Wurtsboro. K.

V. Auto Accessories, Tires, rrnns C. W. R. H.

BAKER Parts and service for all Cnrysler and Plymouth Tel. 5SM Smith St. WINDSHIELDS GLASS FOR ALL TYPES OF CARS See SISCO. 35 Little Ave. USING YOUR CAR? CF NOT--SEE CS1 Highest Cash Prices Paid LScensecrMg? DM WAITUiO' NO RED TAPE! New Yofic.

597 Lexington Plaza 3-5300 Burnett Funeral Home XI ORCHARD ST DIAL 6309 Hew York OJilce. 143 EastJ4tn St. Dial Butterlleld 8-SEOO LADY ASSISTANT Personals I WILL not be responsible for any other than contracted myself. Lester C. Gea.

Delivery. Middleware. N. Y. DARK PRINTS FOR COOL DAYS A.

L. ROBSHAW SO North St "THE FRIENDLY HOUSE Or Real Estate Meola Meola. Mlddletown. X. James W.

Stanton, Inc. SUNDAYS AKD EVENINGS Btikineu Service Business Service Offered IS DeLIKTO and GUARINO. and exterior painting. given JuUy. Tel.

6551 6d53 THE NEW m5 LENNOX rtvetec furnace now available for essential repUceuient. For consplete details call the C. EL Wolfe Heatias Co Pnoae 5303 BBOOK3. GRANLE CO. REFRIGERATION SERVICE All domestic and commercial Tel.

8763. 126 Wtcknam Ave. MONTGOMERY WARD a female department manager foe tae Housewares Department. Excellent salary plus vacation wun pay discount prlvllesM. pcwt-war security.

Selling experience an advantage but not BACCMary. la for Interview during store hours. MONTGOMERY WARD WAITRESS WANTED MITCHELL DCS WANTED--A-l wrapping machine operator and strippers. Orange Co. Box Co.

Dial 6434. Help EMPLOYMENT Relerral Cards Required acricultura emment MEN extra money part dtys per week. 6 JO p. ni. to 10:30 p.

ra. work. Apply American Inc. 33 Spraijue Middleto-A-a. X.

Y. CARPENTERS InsSde aad outside work. Apply Michael A. Smith, builder. 216 Ave.

Mtddletowa. Y. STATE SERVICE--Senior Boys Super- rtsors for order boys. Starting salary $2115. plus vacation and leave u-Uii Call or come to the school for an Interview.

New York State Training School for Bovs. Warwick 513 DISHWASHER PEGGY'S DINER THJE COMMERCIAL OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAYS DCRIXG JTJLT AWOAOGCST. TEE ORANGE COUK- t'Y TELEPHONE COMPANY Save for a Home For Emergencies For Independence BAKK 121 W. SCHNOEBELEN Floor Surfacing Contractor New and Old Floors Surfaced Furnished. Dial 8733 W.

St. Mlddletown. N. CATERING for all occasions, weddings, picnics, banquets, etc. 0 sandwlcb a banquet," Foodland.

20 E. Main St Dial 65CO Watch 28 E. Main EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING JEWELRY REASONABLE PRICES PLUMB ING CHEATING LEO MEOLA PHONE 6352 FRY COOK And Second Cook. DIAL -W09 WANTED--Handy mea to learn trade as wood-turners, woodworker- and Paid while learning. Steady post' 'war work.

Write Ellenvllle Wood Novelty Co. Ellenvllle. N. or phone Elteuvllie S3 2 MEN WANTED Union shop, paid vacation. and a overtime, transportation arranged.

Milk Cream Co. Inc. Slate N. Y. Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ARTHUR KIMBLE 109 North St.

Dial 6503 Moring. Storage 25 WANTED--Man ois farm by month. be weli recommended. Very KOOd Home with running and electricity. C.

A Lewis. Sussex RD 1. Tel Sussex 121F113. MEN uuuteC for tire shop. Experience not necessary.

Good opportunity for Special Announcements 7A I STORAGE ANT FOOD SERUAMA City Pharrnacv. 110 North 1 STOCK clerk assistant. Excellent opportunity. Rialto rlaht party. Tel 430O.

Shop. 37 Dol-on Ave. Al's Tire CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Worda to to J4 I I5c UB Uc i 10c te per Mnejpty Ucajptr IM I UK 1 Ji IM I 130 I US! to I -5T TTB" 111 I 3JOO 3JM I for i a te aeeapMd to ocoaor. asd tte rtfint to or ttatdoai not conform to CM by oe froam paM acd aoA tatfirUMali nita ID o'clock A. 1C.

nm ptttMeaOoa MerdtuwcKtt Wanted--To Bay WAXTEO--Scoop sole Good condition. H. ItzU. 227 Nartn St. SHOTGUNS--12.

power deer 22 reTolrerm. ApplUsee Store. .140 Nortb St. Tei 5065. WANTED to buy--Trtcyctr.

child 1 automobile. Corker. Chest- aut St. Phoce WANTED--Eectrlc machine, mangle Iron rerrlgermtor la xood condlttoo. Box 7-S2.

Times Hrrtld. Employment Situations Wanted--Female 36 WOMAN Afsitff position housework lu small adult family: knowledge cooklas: perrnaneat. Herald. Situations Box 8-22 Times CARETAKER with cottage. Wife will work In house 5f wanted.

Box 8-25 Times Herald. Financial "Business Opportunities 38 ANY BUSINESS Sold Quickly aad Quietly Mrola A Meola 15 South St Musical--Dancing--Dramatic 44 COMPLETE course Of dancing takes hours, also dancing for children, baton twirling Lorenz Studio. 4448. Livestock "bogs--Cats--Other Pets 47 Merchandise for Sale ONE outboard Johnson motor. 10 One portable Coroaa typewriter.

Tel iRONER table top. A. nvxl-1. price Linden Are DONT FORGET that Vf make personal to thor fuadn to purchase tnu coming Winter. Secretary we srr to have a scarcity ot furl a ver cold Winter, and that means coal know your ORANGE COUNTY TRUST COMPANY FOR SALE-- Full typewriter desk.

2 stenographer chairs. 12 kitchen Inquire 20 Klus St Phone BLACK co*cker Spaniel. 3. grandson My Own Bructe. Quiet.

with children. $25-00. Tel. 5511 9.i0 a. 00 p.

m. FOR SALE--Two Fox Terrier pups. Letter H. Korton. Sarah Wells Trail Campbell Hall.

N. Y. Horses--Cattle--Other Stock FOR SALE--5 Guernsey heifers due to freshen now. A E. E.

A. Goshen. N. BAY MARE--Sound, senile. J100.

Will exchange for pullets. Jaaiet. Owen. Scott's Corners. Montsolnery.


W. ELDRED PEONS 303S "Specials at the Store FURNITURE seswired. polished. restored. Expert cabinet work done.

LOUIS HERMAN. upholstering. St. Dial 5517. Cf HOLS TERING I Cabinet making Antiques restored, Slip coverx Furniture repaired.

J. I Abkarlan. SU-STri SUMMER DRESSES goUytt-ood Dresa Shop. 63 North Employment WANTED--One Guernsey cow. H.

J. Albarn. Chester. N. Y.

Phone Chester 184 CROCHETED bed for STROLLERS DOLL CARRIAGES Economy Furniture Co-. 34 St Y. ELECTRIC burner hot pUte $515 I ROSKN. Electrical Coistractor. Sr E-iyt Miln St Phone 5012 FARM FEATHER BEDS GOOSE OR DUCK FEATHERS.

HIGHEST PRICES PAID REPRESENTATIVES WILL CALL THURSDAY. FRIDAY. ADDRESS BOX TIMES HERALD UP to S25 toe your old drop bead marnlnr. In aar con- Write ZaU. 315 Klnney Newark.

N. J. living WANTED-- Bedroom, kltcfien roora and Out Your Attic. CeOir Cloe-eta WE BUY ANYTHING ANTIQUE OR MODERN SWAP SH P. ISi North St WE PAY CASH A RADIO SALES Rooms Without Board or th reat.

Cal! 331 North St Rooms for Housrkcrplnjc 69 i Boxes providr -vstlr form of lor or to nwv obt.i::t thn: f.nd Jor a day The a i a Bank i A Strons Bank Local Radio Programs THURSDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS WGNV IZNke 12 20-12 20 Review Hermld Cocaole tn Sons 1 or Cotnrcerce nT Hal! Sat It wltn 5a5-Kreddy Martin Orca 5JO-Rrcord Revue 5.45-SoldV-r» of Pren the Capitol Dorse. At Sucdova Reporter: W.UX 13t4kc P.M. 12 12 20 -Program 12'25-Sew York 12 20'Local News 12 -W-Xews 12 1 -25-Sews 1 Stone and Pau Brtso 1 J. Asthoay 2 Footer 2 2 lor 3.l'S£oa:iceUo Hour 4 4 JO-Port Kcur 5 Mir 5 00-World Levla, J. or Poland 7 Coraer 3:15 --Now Can ToM 330'PopiUar Dr.

Wetrt 8 It Can Told 9 Heatter VmzUtUm Truman. -09-Xen 11 11 Orctwstra FRIDAY MORNING PROGRAMS WGNV M. 7.4S-New«. Moraine Srrupbook JSO-Breaicf Club Give Cs rhls Duy Lady Club 9 OS the JUrch 10 Vocal Robinson Street 10 -U-Blag CitMb; 10 Crosby 3-Am 11 OO-News: Dick and 1 Sara II 30-Luckv Street 11 Man WALL llMfcc A.M. Clcx-k 00- World 8 Clock 3 -U-Mornlaz DeToUoca 3 OC--Friiler Hoot Cope! Hoar 10 Hrary 13.13--Maxln«Kelh 10 Varlrtin 10 11 11-IS-'Elia 1130-Taie It Easy S1 Your IcST 11 Edwards Programs Real Estate (or S9 rt top touch WANTED--Single man for general work Charles I Hl'ih N.

Y. rs 932255 Poultry and Supplies 48 FKbKZERS And Pw- war models now Imme- ditte Dealers, an'iit-s. re- t.tll Invited. Allied EuKlneerln Co. 337 TllCen St N.

Y. C. 67 Real Estate for Rent Apartments and Flats CENTRALLY loc.tted 3-tooni basem*nt ivio for one of Applv at 16 or Si Buincss Places for Kent "5 FOR RENT--Store. l.x-.i- Hu.ts!iiaeer. FQR SALE pullets.

100 Phone bloom- Red Rock Cro i.oo 9-ueek old Rhode Island ReO-s. 100 11-weeli old GOOD deppad.tb!e man for steady work oa poultrv Nathan Breeding Farm Phone Port Jervls 33233 HELP WANTfcD oa Ice tnick. $35 week start Please call In person. Liadon Are Help Wanted--Female i YOOXG lady. BABY I stenographer LEVIN FURNITURE 18 North 1 QT EXTRA HEAVY MINERAL OIL 59c gVERSOX'S.

and King Stg- for corns snd calloucs. 35c B. F. VAN SICKLE, INC. 39 North St.

Mldcletown. N. Y. WE CARRY a full line of FOCK" betlc Foods. Insulin.

Saccharin. Eay rt Main Middle- experienced preferred fis and private secretary. 5' 3 days a week. Permanent position. Applv in person.

Jc Rogers. Inc 2O-24 Union St. GIRLS--Learn to oper-ite llitht power machine. Good to start. capable can earn S50 or over.

40-hour week Also man. draft exempt lor work. Mr. Marfredl. 43-45 Mill St WOMAN to learn EX-SERVICE MAN--Chance to establish himself In Rood paying position with excellent opportunities for the future Write Room 5.

No. 77 3roadvr.iv. Newbursh. EXPERIENCED BUTCHER WANTED Immediately Steady Position Writ- 8-26 Times Herald perlence 53 E. Main St.

No ex- WANTED--Man on farm extra Apply Gllnian's. Religious Social Events COOK-WAITRESS Cf August 20. High paid: fl'-e In family State references. Address Box 8-21. 8 I Tlrr.e^ Rentld MACCABEES will hold plnocfcltr party WANTED--, loor in their rooms at 6 E.

Main Friday nlsht. August. 10. at 3JO Refresh- ments'and awards. Adas.

30c. for sc tors- worc. No experience r. Steadv work; tood pay. CALVERT COAT CO.

24 Canal St. Where To Eat 8D Delicious i ender Steaks ZANDER'S. 20 Orchard St- WANTED--Clerfc tn shoe store. not necessary. Apply Endlco.v- Johnson.

19 North St. PART-TIME WAITRESS PEGGY'S DINER GIRLS WANTED BREAKFAST, lucch or have olnner 8t Pegiry's Diner, opposite Pott Office. Ths best foods obtainable, home courteously served. GHEST QUALITY hiaoburger Also appellzlcg meals rV'-f" OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN with Martinson's famous coJJee. Cof- rjr OPERATE A SF.WING MACHINE.


between ir.e and Bulovn wrtst yellow lr gold with black strap. V-IUSSy hand. Sentlmtntfel Re- 1 7-29 Canal Telephone 4C74 State St PAY. APPLY Goods Mlddletown. N.

LOST--Keys on Road. Return to Jchn Ktster. --art Conkilnp Ave. Dial Automotive Automotive Agencies A 1933 Olds Cosca. Radio.

S275 1B36 DOdse Ccnvtrtlble SjXi Ohevrolet Coupe f350 1836 V-S Coach 1934 Chevrolet All above price? are wltcia O. P. A. BRUSO'S GARAGE OPEN EYEyiNGS TO 9 M. i ip JJOXHAGEX AVE WE BUY--WE SELL BETTER USED CARS i CAR STORAGE H.

M. STANTON CO. i 153 NORTH ST M'ISS SWANK 7 Canal Street -Mlddletown's Own Industry' EARN WHILE YOI7 LEARN EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS GOOD PAY POST-WAR OPPORTUNITIES WANTED--FOUNTAIN GIRL or witho-it jl.town PhArTr.rv. North help to charce of 50-cow dalrv. Mllkm? machine used.

5-room houie with lisht. water and bath: mill. potatoes and S20000 p-r month Jf vou can handle this I Mt. Hope Rhode Island ReO-s. 100 Red Rock Cross: 100 10-week old hoir.s Also ducks.

Phone 74707. LIVESTOCK DUCKS FOR SALE Glza. Florida. N. Y.

WANTED to buv--Roastln? chickens and orollers. Call HEAVY live quality Rhode Inland Reds 5350 ALso few fryers. Phnne 746S1 FOR SALE--300 White pullets and co*ckerels 3 months. Call 922142. WE PAY itood price for Poultry.

281 Oak Phone Pa.v:alc 36072 pou.try. Mopes Heolthy Chicks Produce Profits ORDER YOCRS NOW MAPES POULTRY FARM PI) on 9 74799 PARLOR sot. set. dtiilns kitchen si-t. kifhen tables.

rucs. drapes. reed rockers, odd pirior Ford car radio. 1001 oth-r ot tfc- Swap Shop. 155 24S North Phone 7354 We.

Buy Anything Antique or Modem For Sale 5774 EVERYTHING electrical for the a er. home owner. supplies, lluores- cent IVht-s We manufacture fluorescent all and types Fluore.v;cnt kitchen lights with two are 56 50. Great Electric 112 North St IF YOU an t-K-ctrlc automailc ceilrtr call Reliable Plumbinc and Heatlni; Co. 124 North St Dial 6554 ARM" OWNERS DlxJ you MeolA like rniMtlc- 1 you to In a hurry and price for your farm, set in with Remember, no no pay Meoli Jt Meola.

Mlddletowu. "rtwpect or fayette Ave. K. W. W1CKHAM.

27 Houston D.a! 3M9 Montitello Firm FinedinOPACas i Injunction Obtained Agaimt Novie's Restaurant BKNTON AGENCY. Otlsvllle. Lut ty properties phone 30 years calls 1 Cou'rf- Brokers in Real MOXTICSLLO--A ln- write or junction has been obtained by Office of Administration against Novte's HeiU'jrant. here, re- ft Wanted--To Kent SI To lent 6 room house or WANTED 3 or 4 car orofte WANTM) S-pt h.r.s. near Mltlillot-iwn for chicken-.

d.ii Box 8-4. 3 or 4 r.om Write Hirry York. Jr 73 Sepleniber 1. unfur- :ip.irtii-nt. Addrc.sa 8-11.

ro-sntry home be'. STROtT headquarter, To buy or or Andrew- STROLT REALTY. Niirth Mi-s-si-iowa Auction Advertiseinents estabiishisen: irom fcxxi Or er.i-zes SC jv by OPA nr(V i 1 a jtS- at the OPA Enforcement Oice At Carrie time res- fined 5100 for selling Real tstate fOF Houses for Sale St job. Write Box' 8-23 Times Herald. "CAPABLE MACHINIST With Some TOOL and DIE Experience to Manage Machine Shop.

Plant in Newburgh, N. Y. HIGHEST WAGES Permanent Position. WRITE BOX B-17. TIMES HERALD BOY for stock wor' for balance of summer.

Age 16 or over. No experience nece-ssary. Apply TompXlns Drv Co MARRIED man wanted on dairy farm. R. S.

Ackerly. RD 2. Mlddletown. WANTED--Man on dairy farm; milking machine paid. Tlnvss Herald Box 8-25 Wanted--Livestock We buy Beef and Veal, Pigs, Poultry and Eggs MENTER'S MARKET WILL, BUY lire DEAD cows removed.

TeL 303 AMERICAN FUR FARilS. INC BEFORE SELLING YOUR BEEF CATTLE CONSULT! US. DIAL 6850. HAMILTON man's cold pocket watch $6000. Schlck electric shaver S15 00 Remington "Foursome" -hav- er 520 1 Chester 45-F-5 No 1.

S3 a huiidr-d No 2 potatoes $2. at mv ra'm J. Goshrn. Y. Gc-hen E-F-15 ELECTRYc Cold'-pot FrlRldalre.

five cubic feet, for Can I 10 St. After rn 3761 10x14 CREAM OF THH CROP Wallklll and Main 2 family houv. haxe 2 heating rooms c.ich floor. 2 baths. 4 extra 1-its.

J7 70-1. NORTH END Jus: off Route 17. sm.ili. woric-saitiiK as a pin. kitchen, bi-d'oom.

room, dinine room, front all R. C. DURLAND AUCTIONEER. 25 A'-e 11-5-1 '4-1 in of A I or: bifMXl first calf heifer- tember ar.d Octobvr. In a All relented A where J.hor--,:i!i!-.

r--ic' ranted for Sale starts Zn Lunch Au.s-ln Snlef ManauT Aucf.ot-.--'r. N. Y. to i Charles Gross. Abe Fradln.

and S.HR Kaplan, the Parksvilie Meat i Market. Pnrk.svtUe. paid 52.239.16 in an administrator's own treble daia- action for selling at over cell- I dollar penalizes tel- s.r-.ice twbec 0:1 Wolf's Restaurant. Souii to" b- r'p- Fallsourg: Gerson's iruii srxire at r-p are Auction Advertisem*nts COMMISSION At mv in Westbroo-cvlH- on WED Atw at 1O Kynian Mosco's- st i and tKe Fish Company. The latter sold fresh codfish at over prices, Also paying S50 penalties wera Samuel Farber.

Loch Sheldrake dltd the Kentucky Club at Trie club sold iches above thi ceiiir.c prices. coop. -caped 54.900. 7 NEAR HIGH SCHOOL nil kinds Term, For Furniture TMi A MOTHER PASSES THE CIGABS FORT WORTH. Tex.

hlstory jus J. D. Auction hospital having her first bab. BOX 234. Unionviiie Tel 2ii drove around to friends' stores.

0 tj; Al Su5 "i "tr 1 7 A Di Benio, Auctioneer i a box room house. 2 cur Ns vYBRcxK The husband and father is with GREESHOUSE. Phon" 342133 Merchandise Articles for Sale 51 COOK STOVES, lawn mower, girl's bicycle. large Ice boat. small radios.

floor 83d table lamps. plates, coffee pots, paiis. pots, dishes. parlor dining room beds, ch-st of i-asy china closet. room ch.ilrs.

hot or steam, straight antique piano. Glassware, steins, stands, chairs, Manv articles. i and Furniture. Bellvernon WHITE wood LIMESTONE for In block-, T-l Mdta -lab 74489 arts- J5750. BLOCK i A AVK b-st.

uot one or the for tin- mon'-y. 2 famllv 1 5 and bnth each front, porch 2 and in K'MXI conditicri. $5 soo A Harvey Smith, Auctioneer. Phone Minroe 3101 the Army on Okinawa. extra $3 7V For i' -W- Ha--'- It MEOLA MEOLA.

M'-ddl'town. sj A 8 gal per rtf hour capacity, for or Jiiirii. in tl.c best Enterprise Refrig. Co. King St Mlddletown.

N. Y. RENT a modern iSinger electric sewing rnachtne delivered to your home Reasonable Sewing Machine Co Phon- B19. BALED SHAVfNGS Lumber Numbr" Oronge Co. Lumber Co.

C. R. Vance, Auctioneer T-'l Muldl'-to'An "AUCTION will b- in the on Sit Low Is vlllae- of Pin- 11 12 30 C--ry I The For full de- o. DONT LOOK i up snd down tho streevi If you for atpartment! LooS up and down CViluroait Legal Notices SCPKEME COURT: COl'NTY OF OKAXGE AUCTION 1 n. ORANGE COOTY TRVST COI- pub- I Help--Male and Female 34 FOR AND WOMEN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Restriction Lifted On Application Dctes You Can Now Acoiy for K-3, K-5, K-ll 1-ton GO 12 and let V-- S.

T. RANDALL, INC. 65 'AT TEI. t'AX We B'jy, Sell Exchange USED CARS Americcn Motor Sales 2J Selection on Hcnd ARS WOMEN, GIRLS Learners or Experienced On Sewing Machines Also General Workers GOOD PAY WHILE LEARNING VAC AT SONS WITH PAY HOSPITAL! ZATiON LIFE INSURANCE MIDDLETOWN FOOTWEAR, INC. I ex We Also Buy for Cosh VEE MOTOR SALES R4.tJtc_17_ HI Fr.rrt Dri: "USED'CARS Harcourt Sales Service! PHONF Cash for Your Used Car We Buy Any Moke Orange County Buick Co.

39 RAILROAD YOUNG WOMAN General Office Work STEADY EMPLOYMENT 10 Hours Per Day 5 Days Per Week Excellent BCSJC Hourly Wage with Time end One He if for Overtime Over 40 Hours Essential War industry Apply AMERICAN D1ETAIDS INC. 33 SPRAGCE A MIDDLETO1VN. N. Y. SALE--IMl Smith.

Joy ONE Thayer baby carriaze. Call 5532. MODERN rwrn nl; Floor drill pieces of furniture. 12'2 or 74SH7. pigccrus.


jCpPPER central E-ronm hou all ranted lr. ftirlie; and Cr referW la' i r. -el! at th- of the CUT the acttor. from anvcn" who may it CON KLIN CUMMINS. INC York portable ALL TYPES on hand North St COMMERCIAL vV Farm and Dairy Products H.X :r.v.'i OR PARC; Farm Implements HANDIMAN WEED BURNER $19.70 Legal SEARS FARM Opo Automobiles for Sale 11 1935 PLYMOUTH rubber.

Drc.vf 5225 12 Tel HOUSE" TRAILER. 'iS-il ft.) t.indeir. i i bn.Kc» T. HAssenmayrr. on S'ate Rd between and Howelis.

R. D. I. Co Box orTir; Is a Good pirti. Appl'- In Tioy L.iu:drj.

Monhaen HOUSE COUPLE r.or.«ra:_S225 I ear.cr for club Phor.e 3425. JT'ST RrrKIYLO WINDOW SCREENS i AND I EXTENSION LADDERS Call We Mav Have Yo-i- Sire H. D. GOULD CO. i VICTOR HhCORDS- 23 fp-ras.

rs d-ince both sons? ar.d FIREWOOD FOR SALE Wi-miii Box in. li. iaui.cirv WANTI.D-- for one weefc. preferably Friday Dial 73S5 afwr P. Employment Agencies KINf 34A BOY Trcr SICYCLS tire- ry wheel lr.

Phor.r OR 'SI i i i -2 J25 wlc. Stones SI $23 v.y. M'n- i.i S3 rn. b.r. i -nr FIxp F-- A v.

i WHV "KKF.P" UNUSED" WHEN TKZ CLASSI? IKD PAGE HAS A READY BOYER FOR IT DONT WAIT1 DIAL 3131: ADS TRICYi M-dlurn built rcr.strtictlon Ar. i niHv trik" In Phor." 41-F-' (or Household Goods 59 "WTBUY--WE SELL JOHN S. A I FURNITURE 11'- b-drocm ana V- treises. cav. radios manv We pay Tsr the better kind of Used ftl'niture Smith St Auction Market.

27 Smith St DIM 4251 i We hove the better homes I Who B- 3'-' en r. a. verT r.ce rr.or.ts. in r.r.- ccr.d.::cr., C.txxl W. 27 thereof f- sr.d CUri W-.

T.I Or'O Office in L.Ser j73 Dee A I ED th" Wat- rproof ou been broilers $1385. 112 North St. for El'efilc Electric Wanted -To Buy We Buy Used Furniture WE PAY TOP DIAL 73o7 Middletown Trading Post ri OF Suburban "Countr? for Sale J. ALLAN New Ye: 4 Referee WANTr.n to oasr- or roo. rt'-l ham or 2- 11011 'BOX S-27 T.T A To rrr.t or cc.it...· n'- house.

sorr- in cousitr Write "particulars Box 3-28 I Beer Liquor an.l --pt ihe bid which It to in the interests of the City V.ddletown By order of THE OF ESTIMAT1 ANP AFPORTIONMFNT W. CHUM Corr.mivloner of rubllc Notice -he und. And siwd to ser. cider retail in -iiul-r the Alcoholic i i tnl At 4 9 Or.inse County, I tam I 19'j Montsortierj- MMdlcWwn. N.


Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.