The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

Ciaymont Commencement June 9 Commencement at Ciaymont High School will be June 9 at 8 p.m. in the school's auditorium. Baccalaureate will be June 7 at 3 p.m., also in the auditorium, and an awards ceremony will be May 29. Members of the senior class: Kathy Ann Kanich, Jo Ami Karlik, Anne Marcella Kennedy, Jenny Kerr. Dale Albert Koebel, Carol Kowalski, Nicholas Robert Kukich Morris Whitehead LaRue III, David Michael Lavin, Joan Irene Lawson, John Franklin Leach.

Paul Byron LeCates, Sandra Lee Lecjg, Susan Elizabeth Lewis, Frank Merion Lich-tenstein, Lawrence David Lingo, Lois Maria Lipka, Thomas Richard Logeman, David Orville Lomas. Patricia Joann Loveland, William Leonard Lowe, Chester Joseph Macielag, Kathleen Lee Maier, John Thomas Malone, Deborah Kay Manley, Charles Ernest Mann, Robert Paul Mann, Peter Frederick Mansfield, Eugene Joel Margavaqe, Donna Elizabeth Marino, Joseph Patrick Marvel, John James McCue, Lester Allen McDanieL David Paul McDonald. Anne Elise McFarland, Sharon Lee McGinn, Dawn Marie McGowan, Dennis John Mcllhenny, Paul William McKenna, r.enna Jean McLaughlin. Maureen Louise McLellan, Kay Lorraine McNulty, Carol Ann Mickowbki Karen Christine Miller, da Anne Boscher, Wayne Lawrence Brady. Gale Eveiyn Brandenberger, Michael Harry Brewer, James Keith Brittingham, Allen Harrison Brown, Diana Elaine Brown, Judith Ann Brown, Terry Ellen Brown, Sally Ann Brunhammer, Alice Jean Burdett, Richard Jay Burdett, Carol Ann Bynum, Sharon Rose Cahill, David Wayne Calhoun, Marie Annina Carey, Donna Lee Carr.

Janice Elizabeth Carroll, Craig Alan Carter, Michael Robert Case, Nancy Jean Casperson, Mario August Cavallini, Mich-ele Dorothy Cella, Carol Ann Chevalier, Edmund Nicholas Ciccone, Anita Rose Cie-mania, Pamela Jean Clark, Ruth Annette Clayton, Patricia Ann Cloud, Dianne Lee Clouse, Gary Robert Collins, Kathryn Ann Cole. David Richard Connors, Jeffrey Howard Cooper, Raymond Thomas Cromer, Deborah Leah Daller, Daniel D. Darrell, Linette Elizabelh Davis, Michael Albert Davis, Marie Louise Dean, Larry Lee Decker, Robert Francis Detweiler, William Patrick Delweiler, John William Dettwyler, Rose mary Dionlsl, Robbip Michael Dixon, Patrick James Dougherty. Timothy Frederick Duck, Sandra Lee Dynesko, John Elasic, Raymond Carmon Erace, David Stephen stock, Kay Frances Ewart, Evelyn Jane Ewing, John Gregory Fennick, Amy Lynn Fensler-macher, Beverly Kay Ford, Laura Ann Freeman, John Stephen Gabel, Patricia Eileen Ga lagher, Barbara Ann GaWoway, Patricia Anne Catherine Garver. Kathleen Theresa Gold, Linda Maria Gooding, Deborah Jean Gottselig, Nancy Virginia Graybeal, Carol Elizabeth Gray-bill, Lucille Eizabelh Green, Gaye Suzanne Gregor, Wanda Gail Griffith, Marie Genowefa Grzesik, Douglas Lee Guthrie, John Wayne Hagelstein, Kristin Ann Hallberg, Jean Norma Hanewinckel, Joanne Marie Haney, Judith Ann Hayes.

Charlene Mary Hays, Deborah Ann Hazel, Ann Elizabeth Heisler, John Patrick Hession, Darlene Davis Holland, Marlene Caryn Hull, Beatrice Jane Huntinqton, Lucille Therese lacono, JoAnn Jackson, Linda Anne Jackson, Marvin Lee James, Ronald Edwin Andersen, David Joseph Axsom, Arlene Frances Bacon, James Edward Bailey, John Hallowell Bailey, William BurchaM Bazela, Jeffrey I. Bennett, Margaret Elizabeth Bickel, Mark Alvin Bickling, David Timothy Blackney, Stephen Christopher Blatchford, Keith Thomas Blest, Edward Charles Blissick Lin Alexis I. du Pont Melinda Susan Miller, Robert Carey Miller, Millard Frederick Moore, Audeen Lee Morrill, Gretchen Rae Morrill. James Robert Murray Bonita Gail Nash, Joan Louise Neft, Ruth Eileen New-ill, Robert Francis Oberq, Paul Smith O'Conner, Waller Kent Oliver, Gary Louise O'Reilly, Deborah Marion Page, Linda Marie Papi, Robert Nelson Parlier Ronald Henry Payne, Jon Joseph Pazdal-ski, Charles Reed Pearson, John Earl Pearson. Barbara Ann Perchalskl, Peqgl Anne Peters, Samuel James Pettyjohn Kenneth Lawrence Pfeil Donr.a Ruih Philups, Marie Antoinette Phillips, William Ezra Phillips III, Christopher John Pilsbury, Janet Marie Piorko, James, William Pollock, Sandra Jean Prove, Edwin Haro Quigley, Janet Dolores Qu'nn, John David Ranney, Marie Theresa Raymond.

Edward James Read Cheryl Lynn Reed, Dale Francis Reeves, Joan Marie Reeves, Linda Jean Reid, Enzo Alberto Re-Ball, Michelle Naomi Reynolds, Barbara Katherine Richards, Gregory Lewis Ritter, Judy Lynn Robinson, Ronald Gresham Robinson, Ralph Christopher Romano, Patricia Lucy Ross, Patrick Dana Rosshirt, William Clark Ryan. Marie Theresa Sabellichl, Judith Ann Santobianco, Richard Nicholas Scarpitti, Richard John Joseph Schimelfeniq, Bern-hard Thomas Schmidt, James Elmer Schneider, Diane Schroeder, Katherine Mae Sheridan, Richard Baker Shively, Gary Alan Smith, James Ray Smith Patricia Ann Smith, Vinson Maurice So-wards, Alan Wayne Sparklin, Kevin Francis Speakman. Charles Curtis Stickel, Gregory Henry Stilwell, Peter Clark Stowe, Linda Joy Sul-lenberger, John David Szewczuk, Jeffrey John Thomas, John McNight Thompson, Margo Thompson, Carl Wesley Tiner, Joseph Anthony Trotta, Larry Ross Vande-grift, Larry Douglas Waite, Barbara Ellen Warren, Douglas King Warren, Terry Lynn Walson. Daniel Gousard Weidel, James William Weir Catherine Ann Weldon, Marsha Faith Wheatley, Patricia Ann Williams, Rose Ann Windett, Kathleen Anne Wolfe, Gregory Dennis Wolski, Santord Alexander Woodruff Jr. CO to Sen.

Williams to Give Address O'Kane, Karol Amelia 0 tt I I Dean Thomas Outten, Nicoletta Poloni, Ronald Joseph Paloni, Donald Andrew Paoll Christopher Thomas Parker, Pia Morrsy-jne Peterson. Barbara Mark Pizzala, Ann Michele Pou-los, Mitchell Joseph Poulouin, Jeanette Elisse Pnango, Michael Profita, Alice Marie Richards, Alan Sue Richardson, Elizabeth Thompson, Riley, Joseph Vincent Riz-20, Elizabeth Averett Robertson, Bruce Dean Roebke, James Aloysius Russell III, Samuel Reid Russell III, Inna Veronica Ry-dlizky, Paula Ann Santow. James Robert Sapp, Hinako Sato, Joan L. Schotta, David William Shotzberger, Robert Sidell III, Ellen Dickerson Smith, Solveig Ann Sparati, Helen Melissa Spink, Charles Ashley Stainback IV, Linda Ann Stanton, Jacob John Steiin, Susan Isabelle Stelzer, Thomas Charles Stevenson, David George Stirba, Ann Marie Stokes. Susan Eileen Sweeney, Barbara Jane Sy-wy, Vonne Tara Tartagl'o, Michael Gary Taylor, Steven Craig Thatcher, Eric William Thomas, Trudie Elizabeth Thompson, Wallace Bradley Thompson III, Joseph Paul Tiganl Mark Downing Todd, Diana J.

Trimble, Margaret Lee Tritsch, Deborah Lee Trost, Mary Turk, Margot Ann Turner. Lucy Ellen Tyrrell, Linda Jane Vlgnola, Joyce E. Waritz, Robert B. Warren, Timothy Russell Warren, William Shepherd Warriner, Jean Marie Weaver, Maryellen Weishapl, D. Michael Wenke, David Watson Wharton, Winston Sumner White, Eber-hard J.

Widemann David Raymond Wilber, Melinda Ann Winkles, Marsha Haines Wint, Ronald O. Woolfolk, Barbara Browning Wygal, John Mackell Young Jr. U.S. Sen. John.

J. Williams, who retires from the Senate this year, will speak at the Alexis I. du Pont High School commencement June 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the school stadium. An awards ceremony will be June 12 at 9:30 a.m.

in the auditorium. Members of the senior class: Richard Winslow Alexander, Louis Joseph Amabili Donald W. Beker, Kathleen Susan Bannerman, David Allen Bar-nette, Stephen H. Barthelson, Donna Lynn Basher, Emily Susan Bent, David August Beste, Alexis S. Betty, Rose Marie J.

Bian-chino, Virginia C. Bidgood, Patricia Sue Blevins, Colleen Kay Brady, Margaret Mary Brennan. Mary Amelia Brooks, Mark Patrick Brown, Margaret Kent Burchenal, Nancy Shepard Butler, Allan Paul Camoirano, Walter J. Campbell, William Gary Campbell, Mary Campbell Cary, Andrew D. Christie, Thomas M.

Christopher, Kristlne Frances Colman, Michael Patrick Conley, Joseph Lambert Conway, Maureen Grace Coon, Carol Jane Corner. Elizabeth Brinton Curtis, Geraldine Marie Dalecki, Susan Jane D'Alonzo, Arthur Craig Dell, Mary Druding DeLoache, Wyatte F. DeLoache Bill Deputy, Ro-saria C. DeSeta, Geolfrey Hiram Dobson, PROPER FIT Is stressed at BEN'S and his experienced tales personnel know that proper growth and foot comfort com only from proper fitting. Sen.

John J. Williams Commencement speaker William Alderson Dobson, Edward James Donegan, Lee Mark Downs, Lucila de Almeida Dultra, Roberto de Almeida Dultra, Alfred H. Eastburn Jr. David A. Ednie, Mark J.

Ellis, Laselo George Farkas, Linda Susan Faw, Brian E. Fischel, Samuel L. Flanagan, Rebecca Jean Ford, Robert James Ford, Susan Clare Ford, Clarence Ernest Gallo, Mary Susan Galloway, Paula Jean Geary, Joseph Anthony Gebtiart, Elaine M. Glanz, James Edward Gold. Kathryn Allison Gordon, Stanley Allen Gray, Connie Ann Greene, Edward C.

Greer, David A. Hagerty, Janet E. Hallden, Margaret lone Harper, Barbara Christine Harwanko, William Patrick Hayden, Linda Lee Henson, Lyn Hooley, Frank S. Huber, William Richard Hughes Beverly Ellen Hutchinson, Jamie Lee Jacobson. Thomas Sparks James, David Warren Johns, Barbara Ann Jones, Sarah Owen Jones, Suzanne Elizabeth Kachik, Janice Lynne Keene, Luclnda Anne King, Frederick C.

Krussri, Karin Lazarus, Dale E. Lee, Louis B. LeFevre Jerry D. Lanhoff James Marsh Lovett, George Thomas Lynch III, Walter Eugene Macklin. John MacLeod III, George (Josh) Hamilton Main, Dennis Alen Malin, Richard Blair Malin, Robin Kay Marando, Patricia Sue Marsey, Van Norman Martin, Paul Francis Mays, Ann Susan McCartan, David Louis McCorkle, Steven Edward McGov-ern, Dianne Lynne McLaughlin, John Paul Medico, Denise Marie Miller, James Couch Moore.

Gwyneth Mary Morrison, Robert H. Mueller, Henry C. Munyan, Peter Kim Nelson, Thomas Arthur Newlon, Brent R. Noyes, Diane Marie Ogorek, Patti Marie a FOR CHILDREN'S FAMOUS BRANDS ALL YOUR PHOTO NEEDS THE GRADS OF TOMORROW an the young peoplt of today. They need proper filling shoes to help pro SUPPLIES More Kcntiickians Attend University FRANKFORT, Ky.

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The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Wilmington, Delaware? ›

The News Journal is a daily newspaper in Wilmington, Delaware.

How do I contact the news journal Delaware? ›

  1. 950 West Basin Road New Castle DE 19720.
  2. (302) 324-2500.
  3. (302) 324-2557.
  4. Visit Website.

What just happened in Delaware? ›

Forecasters say the twister touched down around 7:12 p.m. as storms were sweeping through New Castle County.
  • 'Lost part of my soul': Twin of woman killed in Del. ...
  • Del. ...
  • Wastewater shows increase in COVID viral levels across region.
  • Suspect wanted for rape of 8-year-old at a YMCA identified.

How do I cancel my Delaware News Journal subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-801-3322.

What is the largest newspaper in Delaware? ›

Top 15 newspapers in Delaware sorted by circulation
1The DialogWilmington, DE
2Sussex County PostMilford, DE
3Bay to Bay NewsDover, DE
4Hockessin Community NewsMiddletown, DE
11 more rows

What was the name of the black owned newspaper in Wilmington? ›

The Wilmington Journal is a newspaper in Wilmington, North Carolina. It is North Carolina's oldest existing newspaper for African Americans. R. S. Jervay established the paper in 1927.

Who owns the news journal Delaware? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I contact a local news reporter? ›

Contact a specific reporter using email or social media.

Alternatively, search the reporter's name on Facebook or Twitter to see if they have any social media accounts. If they do, send them a private message to tell them about your story. Reporters often maintain social media accounts to promote their stories.

How do I submit an article to the news? ›

How to pitch an article
  1. Choose a publication and section. Many publications have different sections of content to appeal to various readers. ...
  2. Research the editor. ...
  3. Understand the submission guidelines. ...
  4. Create your subject line. ...
  5. Write the body of the pitch. ...
  6. Add your bio. ...
  7. Consider sending the completed article. ...
  8. Check for errors.
Feb 12, 2024

What is Delaware called now? ›

"The First State"

Delaware is known by this nickname due to the fact that on December 7, 1787, it became the first of the 13 original states to ratify the U.S. Constitution. “The First State” became the official State nickname on May 23, 2002 following a request by Mrs. Anabelle O'Malley's First Grade Class at Mt.

Is Delaware losing population? ›

Delaware's population increased 12 out of the 12 years between year 2010 and year 2022. Its largest annual population increase was 1.6% between 2019 and 2020. Between 2010 and 2022, the state grew by an average of 1% per year.

How much is the Delaware State News subscription? ›

The cost for a seven-day print subscription to the Delaware State News varies, depending on your plan, from $21.99 monthly to $257.99 annually, making our home-delivery rates among the lowest in the entire nation.

How do I cancel my journal news subscription? ›

To change your billing preferences, pause, or cancel Your Subscription purchased through the Journal-News, you may:
  1. Update your account at;
  2. Call 1-877-267-0018 during regular business hours. Please have our account information ready when you call. For available hours, click here.
Apr 4, 2024

How do I stop the newspaper? ›

Contact the customer service or circulation department of each newspaper you are receiving. You can find the contact information on the newspaper's website or in the newspaper itself.

How much is the newspaper in Delaware? ›

While The News Journal now sells for one-dollar on a weekday, The Delaware State News retails for 75-cents. The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News and the Baltimore Sun also sell for $1.00. The Sunday Inquirer is $1.75, and The Sun sells for $2.00 on Sundays.

Does Delaware have a news station? ›

DETV Home - #1 Delaware News Station - DETVCH.

What is the local paper in Newark Delaware? ›

Newark Post (1910-current)

What is the local newspaper for Wilmington NC? ›

Wilmington Star-News: Local News, Politics & Sports in Wilmington, NC.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.