In March and April2020, 1.2million Dutch people aged 16years or older (8percent) reported having been victims of domestic violence in the previous 12months. For820thousand of them, this domestic violence was structural in nature; they experienced it (almost) daily, weekly or monthly. Sexual violence –inside or outside the domestic circle– affected 1.6million over-16s. This was of a structural nature for 185thousand of them. This is shown in the Prevalence Monitor on Domestic and Sexual Violence, which CBS carried out at the request of the Research and Document Centre (WODC).
Coercive control most common form of domestic violence
Domestic violencenoot1 includes physical violence, coercive control, stalking by an ex-partner or sexual violence committed by someone within the domestic circle, i.e. a family member, relative or (ex)partner. Coercive control, with 5percent, was most common among over-16snoot2, followed by physical violence (4percent) and stalking by an ex-partner (1percent). Onepercent were victims of sexual violence in the home. Women aged 16years or older were more often victims of domestic violence than their male peers. This applies to nearly all forms of domestic violence.
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Show datatableVictims of domestic violence, April 2019-April 2020 (% of persons aged 16 and over)Hide datatableVictims of domestic violence, April 2019-April 2020 (% of persons aged 16 and over)
Huiselijk geweld | Total | Women | Men |
Total domestic violence | 8.3 | 9.2 | 7.3 |
Coercive control | 4.8 | 5.4 | 4.2 |
Physical violence | 3.7 | 3.9 | 3.4 |
Stalking by een ex-partner | 1.3 | 1.6 | 1.0 |
Sexual violence | 1.1 | 1.7 | 0.6 |
Domestic violence particularly affects young adults and decreases with age. Forexample, 24percent of 16 and 17‑year-olds and 18percent of 18to 23‑year-olds said they had been victims of some form of domestic violence, compared with 3percent of over-65s. Women are slightly more frequently victims than men: 9percent compared to 7percent, respectively. Inall forms of domestic violence, the perpetrator is more often male than female.
Seventy percent of domestic violence is structural
For approximately 70percent of the over-16s (820thousand) who experienced domestic violence, this was structural, i.e. occurring (almost) daily, weekly or monthly.
Twice as many women as men victims of sexual violence
1.6million people over the age of16 (11percent) reported that they had been victims of sexual violencenoot3, and for 185thousand of them this was structural in nature. Inthe case of more than 1.5million victims of domestic violence, the violence was perpetrated by someone outside the domestic circle.
Women (15percent) are more often victims than men (7percent). Five percent of women indicated they had been confronted with physical sexual violence, 11percent with non-physical sexual harassment and 7percent with online sexual harassment. Among men, the figures were2, 3 and 4percent, respectively. Theperpetrator was more often male than female.
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Sexual violence is more common among young people than among older people: 26percent of people aged16 and 17years old were affected by sexual violence compared to 30percent of those aged between18 and23, and 3percent of people aged65 and over. Almost half (47percent) of women aged18 to23 have experienced some form of sexual violence, compared to 13percent of men of the same age.
Domestic violence
The term ‘domestic’ refers to the relationship to the perpetrator, not to the location where the incident took place. Incidents therefore do not necessarily have to have taken place at home.
Forms of domestic violence
Physical violence ranges from threats of physical pain or beating to attempted suffocation. Coercive control occurs when one person strongly dominates and controls the other. This ranges from belittling/humiliating or constantly checking someone’s movements, to forbidding contact with family and friends. Stalking by an ex-partner involves repeated and deliberate harassment by him or her. Verbal aggression within the domestic circle is not counted as domestic violence because it is doubtful whether this form of aggression, which occurs frequently, always involves violence.
Research among over-16s
These data come from a sample survey of more than 30thousand people aged16 or older who were asked by CBS via internet in the period March-April2020 about their experiences of domestic and sexual violence in the previous 12months.
In mid-March, the first coronavirus pandemic lockdown was announced. These data could not be used to investigate a possible increase or decrease in domestic and sexual violence in the months of March and April.
Sexual violence
Sexual violence includes non-physical sexual harassment, physical sexual violence and online sexual harassment. Physical sexual violence includes all forms of unwanted sexual physical contact, ranging from unwanted touching to rape. Non-physical and online sexual harassment range from receiving sexual comments (online or otherwise) or being stared at constantly in a sexual manner, to having to witness sexual acts or distribution of sexual images. Sexual violence includes both incidents inside and outside the domestic circle.